August 16, 2024

What Is Individualized Coaching and Programming?

What Is Individualized Coaching and Programming?

Individualized coaching and programming is the bread and butter of Wild Dog Athletics. It's what I've always believed to be the most effective and efficient path to achieving goals and beyond. So, what really is it?

Individualized programming is programming that takes into account an athlete's goals, experience level, injury history, lifestyle, strengths, and weaknesses. Individualized coaching is coaching that takes into account an athlete’s unique psychological make-up - what motivates them, what excites them, how they learn best and what type of encouragement and communication will push them to achieve their goals and reach their full potential. Delivering an individualized program, and then actually coaching the individual are not the same. They are two halves to a whole - with an athlete’s success being dependent on both the physiological effectiveness of the training program and how the coach communicates and teaches the training program.

At Wild Dog Athletics, an athlete can expect the highest level of detail and care to be taken in both the crafting of the program and how the coaching is delivered. There is no programming or coaching choice that is unintentional. Every decision is thoughtfully formed based on the specifics of the physicality and psychology of the athlete.

This method puts communication and collaboration at the forefront of how I coach and create programs. The more I can communicate with and receive feedback from an athlete, the more fine tuned the coaching and programming becomes. The more I can pull an athlete into their own program and collaborate with them on the choices being made, the more involved and motivated they’ll feel. I believe a coach and athlete are a team, constantly learning from each other and growing together in order to progress toward an athlete’s goals. In my opinion, if the coaching and programming is truly individualized, the athlete isn’t the only one learning and evolving - the coach and the programming are too.

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